A strong family values oriented dojo

Sydney Here We Come – Kempo Genbu Ryu All Australian Tournament – Sunday 17th March 2024

Sydney here we come…..

Another great tournament challenge to look forward to for everyone at this weekends Kempo Genbu Ryu All Australian Championship Tournament to be held in Sydney Sunday 17th March…

Thank you to Kancho Peter Mylonas (Kempo Genbu Ryu International) and all his instructors, students and tournament team for your efforts and dedication to running this fantastic tournament…

What an absolute privilege it is to have such a fantastic and enthusiastic group of students, parents, and supporters able to go this year…

The excitement and energy levels are through the roof as we proudly represent SEIDO Karate and our wonderful little Dojo this weekend..

Thank you to all the people who make up our amazing Dojo community and thank you to our very generous sponsors and donators who so willingly support our Dojo dreams and projects for our students…











With sincere gratitude and appreciation from us all

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

University chapters in life begin for fantastic young adults – Monday 19th February 2024

It is farewell to the best group of young adults and karate-ka from our Dojo….

Enjoy this chapter of your lives with gusto, courage, and gratitude….

University life is a great chapter indeed….you will learn much, meet many and challenge yourself in ways you never dreamed of….

We wish to thank you all for the privilege of being involved in your lives since you were all little junior karate-ka and now wish you all great success with love and pride in our hearts….

Otago, Canterbury, Wellington and Auckland Universities are very lucky indeed to have such inspirational young leaders of the future join their institutions….

Pursue your dreams and work hard….

We will miss you all and ask that you keep in touch with us when you can….

Thank you to your amazing parents for their endless support and love to each of you….


With love and well wishes always

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone

It is my privilege to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…

I hope that you all get to spend lots of time with families, friends and loved ones over this festive season…

May your time be filled with laughter, fun, great food and great company….make lots of memories so that you can appreciate the happy times and relive the special moments that are always created when families get together…

Thank you to the wonderful dojo black belts, the amazing class instructors and fantastic students and families that make our little dojo the special place that it is…..

Thank you to everyone for your limitless giving, endless patience, and loving hearts as we all try our best to nurture, teach and grow as a community of caring people….

The rewards have been many this year….new friendships, new lessons learnt and an ever growing appreciation of the talents of the many people who make up the dojo…

Take time out and enjoy the holidays…See you all next year…

With Sincere Love, Gratitude and Appreciation to you all

Ken, Leighton, Peri and Families….


DREAMM – Our Dojo Baby Angel “Tian She” Remembering the Preciousness and Privileges of Life – 1st Anniversary 16th October 2023

I cannot believe that it has been a whole year since DREAMM our Dojo Baby Angel “Tian She” departed to begin her life high in the heavens above us….


The 16th of October has now become a special and embedded day in the Dojo’s annual diary for all to reflect upon as a day of remembrance, appreciation and gratitude for the Preciousness and Privileges of Life….


Thank you to Darren and Aimee, DREAMM’s beautiful parents, for giving us the opportunity to share in their immense feelings of love for you and for the opportunity to support them with their even deeper feelings of loss…


Thank you to everyone in the Dojo who constantly surround them with Love and Care…

















With Gratitude, Appreciation and Love Always

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo  

Farewell Senpai Kathy Tilley – Rest in Peace in Heaven – 4th September 2023

The Heavens welcomed another Angel on the 4th of September…..

With great sadness and sorrow, we farewelled Senpai Kathy from this world, we surrounded her coffin, and stood with her for one last time, sharing our fondest memories with her and standing quite still as our hearts filled with tears and final goodbyes….

We will always remember and cherish you as a staunch Senpai, an ever-present mentor to all, and the most loyal of friends…

Your heartbeat within the Dojo will always endure through the many students you have touched with your unique way of looking after everyone…

You will inspire so many more as you travel in your next journey, a journey in a higher place, a place where there is only peace, tranquillity, love and gratitude….

Missing you incredibly….thank you for being in our lives….





















With all our Love, Respect and Gratitude

Ken Szeto and everyone at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

EIKO HANSHI KATA TOURNAMENT – Another Great SEIDO KARATE Tournament Day – Saturday 2nd September 2023

It was another Great SEIDO Karate Tournament Day at the 2nd SEIDO KARATE EIKO HANSHI KATA Tournament 2023…..

It was truly a day of Blessings, Talented SEIDO students and Incredible SEIDO Instructors and Parents…..


  • The special attendances of Eiko Hanshi Renzie Hanham and Sei Shihan Aaron and their partners Cath and Paola sharing the whole day with us all
  • The special attendances of students and Instructors from all 6 of the Wellington Region SEIDO Karate Dojo
  • Having such amazingly talented SEIDO students demonstrate their KATA with such enthusiasm and spirit
  • Having such amazing parents, families and friends supporting everyone with such warm encouragement
  • Having such an amazing tournament management team always so giving of their time, energy and expertise before, on the day and after this very unique tournament
  • Having the opportunity to host, continue to develop and share this wonderful tournament with everyone


Talented SEIDO Students

  • The talent on display from all SEIDO students across all age groups and belt divisions totally at another level
  • The level of Spirit and Enthusiasm from all SEIDO students strong and ever present throughout the day, truly inspirational
  • The level of Connectedness amidst all Dojo warm, friendly, and respectfully competitive


Incredible SEIDO Instructors and Parents

  • The true guardians of all our SEIDO Dojo – our amazing Dojo Instructors always so steadfast, resolute and supportive with their Dojo involvements
  • The true behind the scenes heroes of all our SEIDO Dojo Communities – our incredible Dojo parents always so dedicated, committed, and supportive of all Dojo students and Dojo endeavours


Thank you to all SEIDO Karate Dojo Heads, Instructors, Students and Parents for making this years Tournament another Great SEIDO Karate Day…..


Thank you to Eiko Hanshi Renzie and Eiko Hanshi Andy for your lifetimes of dedication and commitment to SEIDO Karate and for the privileges we enjoy now as we continue to acknowledge and celebrate you both and the SEIDO Karate Way of today….


Keep up with all the hard training everyone and we will look forward to see you all again next year…

Warmest and best regards always

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

SEIDO Karate Wellington Region Eiko Hanshi Tournament Juniors & Collegiates KATA Tournament Saturday 2nd September 2023, St Oran’s College, 550 High Street, Lower Hutt

Welcome to the 2nd SEIDO Karate Wellington Region Eiko Hanshi Tournament

On Saturday June 18th 2022, Kaicho Nakamura (Founder and Head of the World SEIDO Karate Organisation) made the most special of awards to the 3 highest ranked students in SEIDO Karate worldwide.

In recognition of their lifelong dedication and significant contributions to SEIDO Karate globally, each were awarded the special title of “Eiko Hanshi” a title uniquely reserved for these 3 amazing individuals. A title that will never be awarded again.

The meaning of “Eiko”

  • “Ei” meaning eternal or everlasting
  • “Ko” meaning “light”


SEIDO Karate’s “Eiko” Hanshi:

  • Eiko Hanshi Charles Martin 8th Dan (Honbu, New York, USA)
  • Eiko Hanshi Renzie Hanham 8th Dan (Christchurch Shibu, New Zealand)
  • Eiko Hanshi Andy Barber 8th Dan (Nelson Shibu, New Zealand)


The significance of their lifetime contributions has been immeasurably heightened with the passing of
Eiko Hanshi Andy in July of last year.

So it is with much gratitude and reflective sentiment that we will celebrate these tournament in Eiko
Hanshi Andy’s absence.


Special attendances this tournament – Eiko Hanshi Renzie Hanham and Jun Shihan Aaron Barber
Once again, we will have the privilege of the attendance of Eiko Hanshi Renzie and his beautiful partner
Cath and to make this year’s tournament that much more special we will have Jun Shihan Aaron Barber
(and his wife Paola) attending in representation of his father Eiko Hanshi Andy.

Join us as we celebrate SEIDO as a community of teachers, students, parents, children, and families.


SEIDO Karate Eiko Hanshi Tournament
Junior, Collegiate & Tertiary Student Kata Tournament 2023

REGISTRATION FEES: One Registration Fee Per Student, per Parent or Adult (enter as many events as
you are eligible to enter for the one registration fee)

  • $40 – per participating Junior, Collegiate or Tertiary SEIDO student
  • $20 – per participating Parent or Adult in Parent & Child Kata and or Whanau Kata FUN events


Age Groups: Age as at date of tournament 



  • 5-6 years
  • 7-8 years
  • 9-10 years
  • 11-12 years



  • 13-15 years
  • 16-17 years 



  • 18-23 years


Kata Events: Male and Female divisions combined

  • Individual Kata – by Age Groups and Belt Divisions
  • 3 Person Team Kata – by All Ages and Belt Divisions
  • Weapons Kata – Black Belts Only
  • 3-Person Weapons Team Kata – Black Belts Only


Fun Events: Family Fun

  • Whole Dojo Kata – each attending Dojo to do a Kata of their choice or design
  • Parent & Child Kata – by All Ages and Belt Level of Parent
  • Whanau Kata – Extended / Blended Families (maximum of 10 per team)


Scoring: Scorecard System

  • Only one Judge per attending Dojo per KATA ring
  • Score Card System – score awarded between 7-10
  • 0.5 scores allowed between 7-8
  • 0.1 scores allowed between 8-10
  • Top 5 scores play off for 1st, 2nd and 3rd medal placings


Rules & Permitted Kata


SEIDO Karate Dojo’s in the Wellington Region

We look forward to the attendance of all our flourishing greater Wellington Region Seido Karate Dojo

  • Seido Karate Wellington Dojo
  • Seido Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
  • Seido Karate Upper Hutt Dojo
  • Seido Karate Northland Dojo (Wellington)
  • Seido Karate Manawatu Dojo
  • Seido Karate Kapiti Dojo



These tournaments are a DOJO FUNDRAISING event for the SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo with funds
raised dedicated towards the development of Junior, Collegiate & Tertiary Student Leadership,
Tournament & Overseas Travel Programmes.


Yummy food stall

Our Amazing Dojo YUMMY FOOD STALL teams will have our usual selection of yummy foods (BBQ sausage sizzle, pies, tasty sandwiches and home baked cakes, hot coffee, tea and cold drinks throughout the day to keep everyone happy and fuelled up for a great day of competition and SEIDO community mixing, mingling and friendship.




Please register for the tournament through the following QR Code or Linked Form:



Important Note: You will need to register each competitor separately.  Once you have registered online you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to make payment. 


Please reference each student registration with:

  • Full name of student and
  • Student Dojo


Please Note:  Registration only confirmed when full payment has been received.



Please email seidotournament@gmail.com with any questions.

Looking forward to hosting and seeing everyone soon….








SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo


“DREAMM Tour” – a Dream Come True – Kempo Genbu Ryu Tournament Sydney 19th March 2023

Our Dojo DREAMM Tour was just that, a dream come true….


The privileges of travel and competition after a wait period of 4 years due to COVID being realised and enjoyed by everyone in the wonderful city of Sydney…


Our first experiences of an “International level” tournament proving to be a next level challenge for all competing students in both kata and sparring…


We had a great tournament day with much new learnings, new understandings and new friendships being accumulated across the group as the excitement of watching the introductory activities and individual events of the tournament unfolded….


The spirit of “BUDO” and “FRIENDSHIP” strong and evident all day long with all competitors showing much respect and spirit as they proudly represented their Dojo’s, their styles, and their countries….(Australia, Japan and New Zealand)


Many impressive students demonstrated their amazing kata and sparring abilities across many age groups and martial arts styles…


Kempo Genbu Ryu Karate, Shidokan Karate, Heiseikan Karate, Goju Ryu Karate, Kyokushinkai Karate and more….


A real tribute to all Dojo’s, Dojo Heads and Instructors….Well done and Congratulations to everyone….


We were all so very proud of all our SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo students for giving their utmost in such a very challenging new tournament format and environment…


Our little group of 25 competing students competed hard indeed…

Our Dojo tournament results:

Juniors Age Group Events:

  • Zoe Liu – 1st Individual Kata (7 years and under event)
  • Ava Dong – 1st Individual Kata (8-10 years event)
  • Alistair Dong – 1st Individual Kata (11-12 years event)
  • Mackenzie Page – 3rd Individual Kata (8-10 years event)
  • Maddison Roo – 2nd Individual Kata (11-12 years event)


Collegiate Age Group Events:

  • Senpai Jason Chao – 1st Full Contact Kumite, 2nd Points Kumite, 3rd Freestyle Kumite (17-18 years Advanced to Black event)
  • Senpai Issac Chia – 1st Individual Kata, 2nd Full Contact Kumite, 1st Points Kumite (17-18 years Advanced to Black event)
  • Senpai Isabelle Bosworth – 2nd Weapons Kata (17-18 years Advanced to Black event)
  • Finlay Bosworth – 2nd Full Contact Kumite (13-15 years Advanced event)
  • Joe Hyndman – 2nd Full Contact Kumite (17-18 years Advanced to Black event)
  • Ethan Broadley – 2nd Individual Kata, 3rd Full Contact Kumite, 1st Freestyle Kumite (17-18 years Intermediate event)


Adults Age Group Events:

  • Senpai Leighton Szeto – 1st Individual Kata (Adults Open event)
  • Cary Stackhouse – 3rd Full Contact Kumite (Adults Open event)
  • Jason Stapp – 2nd Individual Kata (Adults Open event)
  • Tony Dong – 1st Individual Kata (Adults Open event)


Our sincere gratitude to Kancho Peter Mylonas and his tournament team for hosting and running such an exciting, enjoyable, and well-tuned event…


Your warm welcome and hospitality throughout the day was greatly and gratefully appreciated….


It was a privilege indeed to meet so many of the “Head of Styles” at the VIP seating tables, a real tournament high point for me…


Shihan Margaret Le (Kempo Genbu Ryu – Sydney) , Shihan James Phillips (Power Karate Kyokushinkai – Sydney) and Shihan Christian Ch’ng (Shidokan Karate – Sydney) thank you for your warm company and conversation, I hope that our paths cross again soon…


Congratulations to all competing students and your Dojo instructors for your limitless dedication and commitment to the continued development of high-level tournament competition and “BUDO Spirit” across our International Martial Arts communities….


Thank you to our Dojo instructors, our amazing parents (our unseen heroes) and your very talented children young and older….


Thank you so much to our most special of sponsors Aimee, Darren and Family and of course our Dojo Guardian Angel DREAMM for looking over us from above and making sure that we continue with our daily commitment to enjoying every aspect of our very privileged lives….



















































With much Gratitude, Appreciation, and Love

Ken Szeto

Dojo “DREAMM TOUR” ready and set to go – Sydney here we come – 11th March 2023

Kempo Genbu Ryu International Tournament – Sydney Sunday 19th March 2023

Yes! We are all ready and set to go to Sydney and for many special reasons….

Originally planned as a Dojo Tournament Trip to attend the Kempo Genbu Ryu International Tournament in Sydney on Sunday 19th March, the trip has evolved to become a very special trip for our Dojo with a heart breaking and heart-warming sentiment….

Our Dojo trip is dedicated to the memory of a beautiful little baby called “DREAMM” and her loving parents Darren and Aimee and their beautiful family…….(DREAMM passed away at 37 weeks into Aimee’s pregnancy)

DREAMM’s name is made up of the first letters of Darren, Aimee and their children Riley, Ella, Maddy and Mackenzie……

As a Dojo we have given DREAMM the Japanese name “TENSHI” which means “ANGEL” or “Messenger from the Heavens” and we have also designed a special logo which will sit in our Dojo in remembrance of our Dojo Angel……

Our Dojo “DREAMM TOUR”……..dedicated to DREAM and acknowledging the fragilities of life but celebrating the many riches within our own lives…..

Thank you to our sponsors (DREAMM Windows and Doors) and thank you to our amazing parents who have done so much behind the scenes to make this trip a reality….

Thank you to all our talented students for your dedication to your training….and to your dedicated instructors for their ever present time and guidance….























Warmest and best regards
Ken Szeto

An Absolute Blast – an Evening Full FUN, LAUGHTER, and MERRIMENT – Last Class of The Year…

It was an Absolute Blast – it was an evening full of FUN, LAUGHTER, and MERRIMENT with our amazing adults, collegiates and parents in our last class of the Year..….

It was simply the best way to kick a challenging 2022 year into touch…

Time now to relax, rest and recharge with families and friends over the holiday season in preparation for a new and positive 2023…

Thank you to everyone…our amazing black belts, our dedicated adult and collegiate kyu grades, our talented juniors, and our fantastic parents for your superhuman support of our wonderful little Dojo and Dojo community….

There is not one journey but many journeys, all made up of unique individuals and families each contributing in their own way and making our Dojo the very special place that it is for all to enjoy and share….

Wishing everyone a Fantastic Christmas and the Happiest New Year for 2023…

Thank you…


Sincere and Warmest Wishes always

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor