A strong family values oriented dojo

Black belt candidate students join together for training at Lower Hutt Dojo – April 2016

It was another energy filled class last night with the attendances of the black belt candidate students from Kyoshi Tony Gaeta’s South Wellington Seido Karate Dojo….Senpai Rob Campbell and Christine Lin-Barraud…

All black belt candidates sharing some intense floor time together as the countdown to grading day gets closer and closer…

Keep up the great work candidates and we will all be there to support and encourage you all on the big day – 9am Saturday 7th May….

Warmest regards
Sensei Ken Szeto


Pictured left to right: Christine Lin-Barraud, Senpai Leighton Szeto, Senpai Rob Campbell, Senpai Jon Mackie and Peri Stackhouse

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor