A strong family values oriented dojo

“AWESOME Talent and DEEP Spirit” from Juniors – Juniors Grading Monday 29th June 2020

I feel nervous…I feel excited….I feel confident……
It was an awesome display of talent and deep spirit from a great bunch of juniors….
Each overcoming the physical and mental challenges placed in their way on grading night in their own unique ways…..
ALL however demonstrating their deep spirit and rising to achieve success as a tight knit and fun group….
Thank you for the amazing warm and encouraging support from your parents, family members and friends on the night….
Congratulations to you all and remember to continue to learn about and pass on the many messages held within the act of bowing and saying “OSU”
  • I will keep trying and never give up
  • I will continue to give my all in everything I do
  • I will always show courtesy and respect to others
  • I will always show my appreciation and love to my parents and family
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt

Congratulations Senpai Phil and Senpai Nissa “We are all so very proud of you both” – Shodan Grading Saturday 20th June 2020

Congratulations to you both and for so many reasons….
Delays, delays and more delays certainly clouded your journeys to shodan……..health issues, busy school and business workloads, the COVID-19 pandemic and the many restrictions associated with the many alert level lockdowns….
But 3 months later you both made it…..and then gave it your all on the day…..CONGRATULATIONS to you both….Well done and well deserved
We are all so very proud of you and what you have achieved…
Thank you everyone for your support throughout…and a special thank you to Dr Dominic Monaghan and Sensei / Dr Yih Harng Chong for providing us with your medical expertise and peace of mind leading up to and on grading day….
Thank you to your families and friends for there unwavering support and love amidst such challenging lead up conditions….
Another chapter awaits and we look forward to your passing on the many lessons learnt from your unique and special journeys as you embark on your new shodan journeys as leaders and teachers within our wonderful little Dojo….
Warmest and best wishes
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Challenging Physical and Emotional First Grading – Adults Grading Tuesday 17th March 2020

Physically it was hard, mentally it was challenging, spiritually enriching……both Jason and Bree demonstrating their very best in character and spirit throughout…
Grading are never convenient….there are always things that get in the way of preparing for the day….things like work, study, family time and relationship time to manage….
And when the event is over, there is often a downloading of emotion…good emotion….emotional release and expressions of “YAH, I made it”
Thank you to you Jason and Bree, for always trying your best and certainly delivering this on the day….
We all learnt so much more about you both and about how very lucky we are to have you with us all on the wonderful journey that is karate-do….
Warmest regards and gratitude
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Fantastic 5 face first grading challenges with “Gusto and Courage” – Monday 16th March 2020

The 5 juniors lined up and gave their biggest “OSU” at the very start of the grading and expressed their feelings about how they felt afterwards….
Their words were honest and profound for ones so young….(aged from 6 years old to 12 years old)
  • “I feel grateful, grateful for being able to grade and grateful for my family to be able to be here….”
  • “I feel great to be alive…”
  • “I feel proud of myself and what I have achieved today, I did not think that I could do it…”
  • “I feel very tired but excited at what I have achieved”
I am very proud indeed to see the courage and belief in yourselves and the amazing support from your parents and families…
It is a blessing to have you all involved with the Dojo and developing into great young people through your training…
Well done Max, Oscar, Ameelia, Mikey and Devesh…..
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Honesty of Effort and Sincerity of Character on full display – Adults grading Tuesday 10th March 2020

Peoples views on gradings are all different…some expecting physical challenges, some expecting mind blowing combinations and some expecting nothing but getting through the ordeal……..
Last night however, it was simply a demonstration of the incredible strength of the “human spirit” from all 5 amazing individuals….
Each one expressing their very different reasons for being on their journeys of karate-do….
Thank you for privilege of having you all involved with our wonderful little Dojo and adding so much to the continued development of our strong Dojo “culture of dedication, commitment and caring for each other” 
Thank you to all students and families for being there to support and encourage…it is always much appreciated
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Self Belief and Love of Parents – Key lessons taken from Juniors Grading Wednesday 20th November 2019

Yes, it was a physically demanding grading for ones so young….
The many tears being shed here and there making the challenges a little more difficult for each, but on the day “self belief and the love of their parents” pushing them each to achieve beyond what they believed they could endure and overcome…
The “SEIDO Spirit” continuing to beat strongly and loudly in our little Dojo across all age groups, all levels of student and all parents and families…
True blessings built over time with real dedication, commitment and love…
Well done everyone…and thank you
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

So very proud of you both Senpai Leighton and Senpai Jon – Sandan Grading Sunday 17th November 2019

Despite the early Sunday morning start it was a privilege to be present at Senpai’s Leighton and Jon’s Sandan grading officiated by Sei Shihan Ben….
Congratulations to you both for demonstrating your own very individual expressions of karate and your enduring “SEIDO SPIRITS” which have shaped your karate journeys’ and lives….
Thank you Sei Shihan Ben, we are all so very fortunate to have your high level of dedication to SEIDO and wisdom of BUDO……..
I am a very proud dad indeed, well done Leighton, LOVE you heaps…
Ken Szeto

Different Journey’s same SEIDO Spirit and Belief – Adults Grading Tuesday 12th November 2019

The journey’s for each could not have been more different for Dylan and Marcelus…..
From a determined young adult getting through his first year at university to a hard working self employed dad with a loving family…
It was a difficult evening for both as they battled their way through a very physically challenging grading…
The emergent common denominator for both being, that they stepped onto the Dojo floor and have continued to train hard and contribute to the character of the Dojo…
Congratulations to you both, you did extremely well and thank you to all students and seniors for your ever present support…
Keep up with your efforts and dedication to your BUDO journey’s…….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

“SEIDO Spirit” in 7 different ways from 7 amazing SEIDO individuals – SEIDO Kapiti Dojo – Shodan Grading Saturday 9th November 2019

It was standing room only at SEIDO Kapiti Dojo in Paraparumu for their special Dojo grading day….
The turnout of senior black belts, kyu grade students, families and friends for the morning’s shodan grading was HUGE…..
The attendance of Sei Shihan Harry (and partner Sensei Jane) from Christchurch Shibu to officiate the grading making the event even more memorable for all candidates…and Kapiti Dojo’s head instructor Sensei Karen….
Her son Arie the Dojo’s first student to go through the grades from beginner to shodan….a fantastic way to celebrate this very special relationship between mother (and instructor) and son…(and student)…absolutely totally COOL…..
It was a very special day also for our own little Dojo student…. “Big Phil” you did awesomely indeed…a monumental effort from someone with a monumental heart….
It has been a long and rewarding journey for Big Phil, a journey that not many senior statesmen would not have even contemplated committing to yet alone persevering with at the age of 60 years young….
We are all so very proud of you and how you have overcome the many and significant sacrifices in your journey to get to this new stage in your journey, a stage often referred to as a new beginning….
Congratulations Big Phil, it was awesome to share the experiences of the day sitting with your loving wife Tracy and daughter Petra….they were with you every step of the way right to the end I can tell you that for sure….
Thank you to all SEIDO Lower Hutt students, families and friends for being there “en mass” as always to support our amazing old guy, “Big Phil”…..
Well done…Big Phil and Thank you to Sensei Karaen and all the students of SEIDO Kapiti Dojo for your warm welcome and hospitality with putting on lunch for the huge turnout….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

The “SEIDO SPIRIT” – Strong, Enduring and Deeply Embedded in the spiritual fabric of all grading students – Thursday 17th October 2019

No matter your age, no matter your background, no matter your stage in life……your belief in yourself and your journey with the way will always be rewarding….
It was a true testament to the dedication and perseverance of all grading students last night with each and every individual giving their all throughout, even to the point of absolute physical exhaustion….
The roads to the grading night not easy for many, with the busy-ness of life with children and family, study for exams and serious family member illness all adding to the pressures of the evening…
Despite these challenging roads, all students never wavering or giving up….
Thank you for being such amazing students and human beings…it is a blessing to have you all with our little Dojo and I am grateful for all the strength of character that you each bring to it…
Thank you also to the many families, friends and fellow students that came to support you all….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Pictured left to right: Anna Nield, Kirsten Robati, Neev Mackenzie, Abbie Kincaid, Kathy Tilley, Issac Chia and Connor Barkess

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor