A strong family values oriented dojo

SEIDO Karate Wellington Region Juniors & Collegiate Tournament Saturday 17th OCTOBER 2020 – “Celebrating the talent and human potential of our SEIDO Junior & Collegiate students”

Host Dojo: SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Venue: St Oran’s College Gymnasium, 550 High Street, Lower Hutt

Tournament Start Time: 9.00am sharp – 4.00pm (approximate)

Only $35 per participant, enter as many events as you like and are eligible for, all registration forms & payments must be received by close of day THURSDAY 8th OCTOBER 2020




Tournament Age Groups

Tournament Events

  • 5-6 years
  • 7-8 years
  • 9-10 years
  • 11-12 years
  • 13-15 years
  • 16-18 years
  • Individual Kata
  • 3 Person Team Kata
  • Weapons Kata (Black belts only)
  • Points Sparring (9-10 years, 11-12 years, 13-15 years and 16-18 years green belt and above only)
  • Semi-Contact Sparring (13-15 years and 16-18 years green belt and above only

Fun Events

  • Parent & Child Kata (One child & one parent)
  • Whole Dojo Kata


SEIDO Karate Dojo’s in the Wellington Region

We look forward to the attendance of all our 6 flourishing Wellington Region Seido Karate Dojo’s.

Seido Karate Wellington, Seido Karate Palmerston North, Seido Karate Upper Hutt, Seido Karate Kapiti, Seido Karate Northland – Wellington and Seido Karate Lower Hutt, and of course a HUGE welcome to SEIDO Karate Hastings…and all the amazing parents, families and friends of our talented Juniors & Collegiate karate-ka.


Tournament is a Fundraising Event for SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

The 2020 tournament will be a DOJO Fundraiser for the SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo and the continued development of our Junior Leadership Programmes and Junior Academy Group overseas travel.

Our Amazing Dojo Fundraising team will have a BBQ sausage sizzle, pies, tasty sandwiches and cakes, hot barista coffee and cold drinks available throughout the day to keep everyone happy and fuelled for a great day of friendship and competition.



Please register for the tournament by scanning the QR code or by filling out the registration form through the link below:



Permissable Kata and Sparring Rules:


Important Note: You will need to register each competitor separately.  Once you have registered online you will receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to make payment. 

Please Note:  Registration only confirmed when full payment has been received.



Please email seidotournament@gmail.com with any questions.


Looking forward to seeing everyone again this year


From SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Keep well everyone in this very challenging time ahead….COVID-19 Lockdown 25th March 2020

Just wanted to please keep well in this very challenging time ahead…
We ALL must stay in our homes for the next 4 weeks with lockdown, make sure that you call or contact those you love each day even if just to say “HI, how are you doing”
Keeping in contact will be very important for everyone….especially our older family members, so please give grandma and grand dad a call to cheer them up with a “Hi I Love you”….
We have a great Dojo community and I am sure that everyone will do their best to say “Hi” to each other over this lockdown period…
We also have some amazingly talented people (Steve Swallow and Senpai Wendy) who are trying to set up a system on our Dojo FACEBOOK whereby our Dojo community will be able to link up and send videos of the training activities that you will all create over this 4 week period…
So to start the first competition off, I will gift a $100 PREZZY card to any SEIDO Lower Hutt student who can do a “YOKO GERI” (side kick) as good as the guy in the poster….so send in your photos kids…….
Maybe a video series Juniors and Collegiates kata competition to be judged by the black belts of the Dojo could be next….
Keep well everyone….thinking of you all over this next 4 weeks….kids don’t drive mum and dad crazy…..otherwise its Happy push ups when we all get back…
Much Love to you All
Ken Szeto and family

Dojo Gifts Delivered to Our Chosen Community Organisation – Women’s Refuge Lower Hutt Monday 17th December 2018

On behalf of everyone at the Dojo we donated several car loads of toys to the very hard working and wonderful staff at Women’s Refuge Lower Hutt…
They are a fantastic bunch of people who genuinely care so much for those who experience and endure domestic and family violence…
Thank you parents and kids for your amazing generosity and kindness in donating to such a special organisation…
Appreciate your families and the many privileges we have…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Cummings Kilgariff and Co “Generous Dojo Sponsor” of Junior Academy Group to Sydney 2017

On behalf of the SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo Junior Academy Group I would like to say “THANK YOU” for your amazing generosity with sponsoring our student group “back packs” for our trip to compete at this years SEIDO Karate Australian National Tournament in Sydney…
Without the generosity of sponsors like you we would not be able to get our talented juniors overseas to compete in international tournaments..
Thank you so much Diane and Hannah of Cummings Kilgariff and Co Realty, 1 Jackson Street, Petone…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year…

Pictured: Diane Cummings and some of the Junior Academy Group students….


What an amazing day for all of New Zealand…..
And what an exciting racing series it has been against Team Oracle and Jimmy Spithill……
Congratulations from Everyone at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo….

Hanshi Andy Barber awarded Queen’s Service Medal for long standing dedication to Karate and service to Community – 21st October 2016

It is with great pleasure that Seido Karate Lower Hutt Dojo CONGRATULATE

Hanshi Andy Barber on his award for the Queen’s Service Medal for his
amazing dedication to Karate and service to Community….

You are a true inspiration to us all in the SEIDO Community not only in New
Zealand but worldwide…

……On Friday 21st October, Hanshi Andy was honoured to be awarded a Queens
Service Medal by the Governor General of New Zealand, the Right Honourable
Dame Patsy Reddy….
The award was presented to Hanshi for services to Karate and the
Hanshi was proud to receive the award on behalf of the Nelson Seido karate
community and the Worldwide Seido Karate Organisation – OSU


Pictured: Hanshi Andy Barber and the Right Honourable Dame Patsy Reddy

Salvation Army’s “Adopt a Family” for Christmas – Dojo’s Chosen Charity for 2015

This year the Dojo’s chosen Charity was The Salvation Army and their “Adopt a Family” Programme for Christmas….

The Salvation Army do an incredible amount of work and they are an amazing organisation….

Our Dojo Xmas Tree was flooded with Christmas Gifts from our many generous families who bought gifts for the 2 families adopted by the Dojo under the programme…

We hope that the many gifts will bring many smiles and festive season happiness to our 2 adopted families..

Wishing you much love and togetherness this Christmas….
From all the Families of Seido Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

christmas-gifts_26878 salvation-army

“White Ribbon Day” Awareness of Domestic Violence and Violence towards Women marked by Dojo’s adult students – 25th November 2015

The significance of “White Ribbon Day” was marked by the Dojo’s adult students with all students donning white belts for classes this week…

The recognition, awareness and prevention of domestic violence and violence towards women an important part of the values system within the Dojo…

Thank you to all adults students for their acknowledgement and reinforcement of our Dojo values by returning yourselves to the beginning of your own karate journey’s by wearing your white belts this week…

Warmest and Sincere regards
Sensei Ken Szeto

Being White Belts Again 1 Being White Belts Again 2A Being White Belts Again 2

Welcome to Our Beautiful New Dojo Premises…..Monday 2nd November 2015

Welcome everyone to our Beautiful New Dojo Premises…Classes start here today….

Station Village
Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play land)
499 Hutt Road
Lower Hutt

Thank you to the many many amazing efforts of all those who so generously contributed their time and energy to create such a beautiful new Dojo for us all to enjoy, it is truly filled with “JUKU”

My sincere and deepest gratitude to you all
Sensei Ken SzetoOur Beautiful New Dojo - Shinzen

A Wonderful Weekend of Celebration and Appreciation at Christchurch Shibu 50th Anniversary – 25th to 27th September 2015

It was a wonderful weekend for all at the Christchurch Shibu’s 50th Anniversary celebrations….
The gathering attracting hundreds of past and present Seido students and families from all over the world and being made even more special with the attendance of Kaicho and Nidaime…
The momentous occasion being celebrated by all amidst an atmosphere of appreciation, remembrance, privilege and reconnection…..
Thank you Hanshi Renzie for your continued guidance and direction….
Our heartfelt congratulations….
Sensei Ken Szeto and all the students and families of Seido Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor