A strong family values oriented dojo

Grading Group Classes

Classes will be held on Sunday afternoons starting at 2.00pm for any students wanting to participate in some extra training leading up to a grading.

The focus of these classes will be refinement of technique, kata’s, self-defence, kihon kumite and yakasoku kumite relevant to the level of syllabus the student is training in. Class length will be no longer than 90 minutes including a warm up.

Please let Wendy know if you would like to attend, we look forward to seeing you there.

Stories from the Dojo Family

Check out our new section of the website that will be filled with stories and pieces submitted from our Dojo family.

The first piece is from Don and Wendy on how they joined Liam and became part of the Lower Hutt Seido Karate family. A big thanks for sharing such a wonderful story.

Please contact Sensei Ken if you would like to submit a story.


How our family got involved

Submitted by Don Beattie

Dad, check out this move that Sensei Ken taught us tonight….”insert ouch here”……

Now, as all us parents know, when our children come home all excited about something they have just learned, they want to share it with us!

“OK Dad, stand like this”…. Liam pushes my back leg out and makes me bend my front leg so I look like a geriatric hurdle jumper in reverse…”lower Dad, it’s called zem-coochie-dancie”…my front leg is burning now, “hold the stance Dad, and don’t move!”

“Hurry up Liam, this is killing me” I tell him. “Ok, when I tell you, I want you to lunge forward and throw a punch at me and I will show you how to block it” he says with all the confidence of a seasoned MMA fighter, “….ready……GO!!”

This is pretty much where my journey into the world of Seido Karate began, standing in my kitchen in a strange stance, legs burning, throwing punches at my son who responds with a barrage of defensive moves . I am sure anyone looking in from outside would have called Child, Youth and Family Services and reported us, but the only one with bruises afterwards was me!

“Dad, you should come along and watch, you might like it, and you don’t have to join in if you don’t want too”.

I must say at this point I was a Dad who had little to no interest in karate, this was something my son wanted to pursue but I really wanted him to apply himself more to his Rugby. My lack of interest along with my large workload meant I was not giving Liam and his new passion the attention they deserved. This was all about to change with Liam’s first grading coming up.

I went along to a couple of his classes and distinctly remember feeling very uncomfortable the first time I entered the Dojo. I sat close to the door so I could escape should they try to drag me up and promptly pulled out my phone to try and look busy. I did my best to just fade into the background but little escapes the eye of Sensei Ken who quickly noticed the new face and headed over to introduce himself, shaking my hand and slightly bowing as he did so.

Sitting next to me he told me about Liam’s progress in his first 4 months of karate. He commented on Liam’s strengths and how he saw him as a great kid with loads of potential. He welcomed me into his Dojo and into the extended Seido family with open arms and a warmth that really captured me. I could feel the strength of this guy just from sitting next to him, and throughout the class watched as he taught my child how to push himself to be a better person. The class ended with the children being reminded to always show love and respect to their parents and those around them and to try hard in everything they do.

I was literally blown away with what I had just seen.

After going back to watch a few more of Liam’s classes it was time for Liam’s first grading. It was a Friday night and the kids were all excited about what was about to transpire, Liam looked worried but ready. Earlier in the week Sensei Ken had pushed the grading group pretty hard in class to give them a taste of what to expect and, without going into detail, Liam came away doubting he could do it. The grading got under way and I watched as the children pushed as hard as they could to show what they knew. Liam dug really deep and I must say that until this point I had never seen him display so much determination and drive, I was truly inspired.

I went away from Liam’s grading and reflected on what I had just seen. I looked back to the first day I stepped into Sensei Ken’s Dojo, remembered the feeling of strength that emanated from him. I thought about the respect his students have for him and the respect he shows them in return. I thought about the elation I had seen on my sons face, the massive sense of achievement he was feeling and the camaraderie he had built up with others, children and adults alike, in the Dojo.

I wanted to be a part of this.

A couple of weeks later I found myself standing on the Dojo floor in that same “zem-coochie-dancie” stance, looking like a geriatric hurdle jumper trying to keep up with the other students. I had no idea what this crazy little Chinese guy was yelling at us, all I could pick up was that we were all terrible and too slow, that our OSU wasn’t loud enough and that the word is Kiai not Hi-yah, Eeee-yah or a loud grunt! I was sweating profusely and my tracksuit pants were about to cause me an injury but boy was I having some fun!

I would be a liar if I said I was not nervous about joining in, and it took me a number of weeks to zone out to the people watching from the bench. For some of us the first step is so hard to take, some of us are really self-conscious, some of us doubt our fitness, and some of us are just plain scared to take that leap into the unknown. These are the exact things that makes every day I train in karate so special to me. I was self-conscious, worried about my fitness level and scared in my first class too but I challenged myself to take the leap and have not regretted it.

Since joining Sensei Ken’s Seido Karate Dojo, my wife Wendy has also joined. Wendy, Liam and I are a family that plays together and I firmly believe that we are a family that will go all the way together. We are also a part of a bigger family, the Lower Hutt Seido Karate family who have welcomed us with open arms. 

We are a family that decided to join the game and not just watch from the bench, why don’t you come and join our family too?

Seido Regional Quadrangular Tournament 2012

Kyoshi Tony, chief instructor at the South Wellington Dojo has emailed me the details of this years Quadrangular Tournament….

It’s a great tournament for young and old…..so get training hard and set your sights on a bit of friendly competition between the dojo’s in the Wellington region…


All the Best for 2012 to Hammersmith and Fulham Dojo, United Kingdom

New Year best wishes arrived when Big Phil Simms of Lower Hutt Seido Karate returned briefly to New Zealand over the Xmas and New Year break…

Big Phil has been enjoying his training at Seido Karate Hammersmith and Fulham Dojo under the wonderful guidance of Kyoshi Brandt and Sensei Tina…..so nice to get photo's from overseas dojos…

Pictured from left to right back row: Kyoshi Brandt, Big Phil and Sensei Tina (far right of picture)

All the best for 2012 to you all at Hammersmith and Fulham Dojo.

Talented Juniors attain Grading Success Friday 4th November 2011

The wonderful efforts of 4 of the Lower Hutt Dojos most talented juniors were rewarded with grading success on Friday 4th November 2011.

Sheer perseverance and determination seeing them gain blue belts after a most challenging grading.

Pictured from left to right: Mykala Lewin, Caitlin Lewin, Kingi Lewin and Ralph Rodriguez

Determined Juniors rewarded with Grading Success Friday 28th October 2011

The determined efforts of 9 of Lower Hutt Seido Karate's junior students were rewarded with grading success on Friday 28th October

After a slow start the group of 9 battled through the challenges of their first grading. The highlight for their families being their wonderful demonstrations of individual self belief and the display of sheer willpower and desire to attain success…

From left to right front row: Joshua Sales, Elian Eslava, Dev Bhatt and Sam Murden
From left to right back row: John Arbaquez, Clyde Mocnangan, Aman Sharma and Joshua Hall

Sensational 6 year olds attain Grading Success 7th October 2011

The sensational efforts of four of the Lower Hutt Dojo's amazing 6 year olds were rewarded with grading success on Friday the 7th October 2011.

The four 6 year olds showed incredible determination and perseverance as they faced the challenges of a rigorous white belt grading to proudly gain well deserved orange belts.

Pictured from left to right are: Jason Chao, Kody Tourelle, Liam McEwan and Ben Wilson

Wonderful Efforts at Adults Grading Friday 30th September 2011

Congratulations to Don, Wendy and Phil who endured a most challenging and physically demanding grading on Friday 30th September 2011.

Pictured left to right: Don Beattie, Senpai Jo Williams, Wendy Trimmer-Beattie, Sensei Ken Szeto and Phil Broadley

Success at Adults Grading 22nd July 2011

Congratulations to all successful grading students who persevered through a most challenging grading on Friday 22nd July 2011.

Pictured left to right….Danielle McCleery, Peri Stackhouse, Tracey Stackhouse, Barbara Gembitsky, Sensei Ken Szeto, Connor Barkess, Neil Barkess and Damon Manning.


  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor