A strong family values oriented dojo

Merry Christmas Everyone

Dojo Gifts Delivered to Our Chosen Community Organisation – Women’s Refuge Lower Hutt Monday 17th December 2018

On behalf of everyone at the Dojo we donated several car loads of toys to the very hard working and wonderful staff at Women’s Refuge Lower Hutt…
They are a fantastic bunch of people who genuinely care so much for those who experience and endure domestic and family violence…
Thank you parents and kids for your amazing generosity and kindness in donating to such a special organisation…
Appreciate your families and the many privileges we have…
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Fantastic Way to Finish the Karate Year – Nidan Grading Wellington Dojo Saturday 15th December 2018

It was a fantastic way to end our Karate year for 2018….
The 5am morning start time, a new experience for all 7 candidates from Lower Hutt Dojo, Wellington Dojo and Upper Hutt Dojo…
Amidst the physical challenges there were some touching and special moments of passion, emotion and humility as each student spoke of the ups and downs of their unique SEIDO journey’s…..
Well supported by a large contingent of fellow black belts, each and every candidate giving their all throughout…
Congratulations to you all for your amazing demonstrations of SEIDO spirit….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and fellow Black Belt karate-ka

Love, Respect and Obedience mixed with a great deal of Courage – Adults Grading 11th December 2018

The fundamental foundations of SEIDO Karate were truly on show last night…..
Love, Respect and Obedience mixed with amazing personal courage making the evening a special one…
Despite the differences in their individual journey’s,  the personal drivers for all who graded ending in one common reason for continuing with their karate training…
It’s about the unique friendships and the priority in our Dojo for appreciating “Love for each other and Love for others” that brought them all together…
Thank you to your partners, families and fellow karate-ka for your wonderful support of these amazing people…
Well done…
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and your Amazing Instructors

Juniors toil and push hard through grading challenges – Juniors Grading Monday 10th December 2018

It wasn’t an easy relaxing afternoon at the Dojo for some…
Maddison, Jake, Leo, Anesh and Angus giving their all as each grading challenge arose…
Confronting physical challenges were mixed with multiple kata combinations…and to top it all off push ups…everyone’s favourite karate activity….
Vocal support from families and fellow students lifting the efforts of all throughout…
Well done and Congratulations to you all and your wonderful families…
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and your Amazing Instructors

Pictured left to right: Maddison Roberts, Jakes Roberts, Leo Bialy, Anesh Senthuran and Angus Beveridge

A Tough Night Out at the Dojo for All – Mixed Grading Group Wednesday 5th December 2018

Age differences proved to be no barrier to the levels of effort or determination shown as all students pushed themselves hard throughout the evenings grading activities…
SEIDO passion and spirit evident within all students on the night..
Well supported by families, friends and fellow karate-ka, the key SEIDO messages of Love and Respect towards others expressed by each as they spoke openly about their karate journey’s at the end of the evening…
Well done and Well deserved to a great bunch of people…
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all your Amazing Instructors

Pictured left to right: Shae Bennett, Gabriella Geris, Ethan Broadley, Lucian Gray, Dylan Budge, Michael Van Es and Marcelus Fernandez

Limits of individual perseverance pushed to the limits and beyond – Juniors Grading Monday 3rd December 2018

Nerves coupled with heat and humidity at the Dojo making it a difficult environment for all as they battled their way through the challenges of their first grading experience…
The levels of determination and physical exertion demonstrated making inspirational viewing for all who attended to support…
Tears and exhausted faces turning into smiles of achievement and satisfaction at the end of the grading…
Well done to an amazing bunch of junior karate-ka…
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and your Amazing Instructors

Pictured left to right: Lucy Worthington, Yaazhini Senthil Kumar, Zoe Worthington, Michael Lyu, Evelyn Scally, Quin Scally, Grace Phillips, Ted Beaumont-Yee and Thomas Bartup

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor