A strong family values oriented dojo

“Thank you so much to you ALL” for making our tournament such a huge and enjoyable event….

Dear Black Belts, Ring administrators, students, parents and families
“Thank you so much to you ALL” for making our tournament such a huge and enjoyable event….
Everyone played a part and everyone contributed to the family friendly atmosphere for ALL to enjoy…
The Black Belts, brown belts and all involved in the administration of the RINGS, really do deserve GOLD medals as well for keeping things running so smoothly despite early morning reshuffles with draws….
ALL the Coffee baristas, the BBQ Kings, the mum and dad bakers and everyone who brought the amazing array of food for all to enjoy…
“THANK YOU SO MUCH”….your efforts kept the crowd of well over 300 people happily fed and contented throughout what was a busy, busy day of karate…
Everyone raved about the soups…thank you to our amazing star soup cookers…..
“THANK YOU SO MUCH” to all the Wellington Region SEIDO Dojo Heads and ALL your talented students and ALL the Dojo Black Belts from the region who came along to support and offer their judging expertise throughout the days full program of events…
Jun Shihan Tony (South Wellington Dojo) thank you for your experienced management and refereeing of the “high energy” Points Sparring event…
Jun Shihan Peter (Wellington Dojo) thank you for your experienced Chief Judge management of the busiest Ring of the day, which covered the the white belts, blue belts and hugely entertaining Parent & Child kata divisions…
But most of all “CONGRATULATIONS” to all our exceptionally talented Wellington Region Junior and Collegiate students and your amazingly dedicated parents…you were ALL winners on the day…
THANK YOU to EVERYONE from LOWER HUTT DOJO… our Dojo Spirit continues to grow in energy and family-ness with each and every challenge we face as a wonderfully supportive group of community minded people….
“OSU” and “Domo Ariagtou Gozaimasu”
With sincere thanks and gratitude
Ken Szeto

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor