Dojo Black Belts Scholarship awarded to Outstanding Junior student Ryan Marson – 23rd June 2015
The “smiles” say it all as the Dojo’s first Black Belts Scholarship was awarded to a most deserving and outstanding junior student for 2015 Ryan Marson…
A new award to the Dojo and created by the Dojo’s Black Belt students, the award is presented to one junior student each year in acknowledgement of their diligence and dedication to their karate training…
A proud Ryan Marson is the recipient of the Scholarship for 2015…
The Scholarship also covering travel and accommodation costs for the selected student to attend the Seido Karate National Australian Tournament in Sydney in November later in the year…
Keep up the great work Ryan…
From all the Dojo Black Belts…OSU
Sensei Ken Szeto, Senpai Jon Mackie, Senpai Leighton Szeto and Senpai Brendan Young