A strong family values oriented dojo

EIKO HANSHI KATA TOURNAMENT – Another Great SEIDO KARATE Tournament Day – Saturday 2nd September 2023

It was another Great SEIDO Karate Tournament Day at the 2nd SEIDO KARATE EIKO HANSHI KATA Tournament 2023…..

It was truly a day of Blessings, Talented SEIDO students and Incredible SEIDO Instructors and Parents…..


  • The special attendances of Eiko Hanshi Renzie Hanham and Sei Shihan Aaron and their partners Cath and Paola sharing the whole day with us all
  • The special attendances of students and Instructors from all 6 of the Wellington Region SEIDO Karate Dojo
  • Having such amazingly talented SEIDO students demonstrate their KATA with such enthusiasm and spirit
  • Having such amazing parents, families and friends supporting everyone with such warm encouragement
  • Having such an amazing tournament management team always so giving of their time, energy and expertise before, on the day and after this very unique tournament
  • Having the opportunity to host, continue to develop and share this wonderful tournament with everyone


Talented SEIDO Students

  • The talent on display from all SEIDO students across all age groups and belt divisions totally at another level
  • The level of Spirit and Enthusiasm from all SEIDO students strong and ever present throughout the day, truly inspirational
  • The level of Connectedness amidst all Dojo warm, friendly, and respectfully competitive


Incredible SEIDO Instructors and Parents

  • The true guardians of all our SEIDO Dojo – our amazing Dojo Instructors always so steadfast, resolute and supportive with their Dojo involvements
  • The true behind the scenes heroes of all our SEIDO Dojo Communities – our incredible Dojo parents always so dedicated, committed, and supportive of all Dojo students and Dojo endeavours


Thank you to all SEIDO Karate Dojo Heads, Instructors, Students and Parents for making this years Tournament another Great SEIDO Karate Day…..


Thank you to Eiko Hanshi Renzie and Eiko Hanshi Andy for your lifetimes of dedication and commitment to SEIDO Karate and for the privileges we enjoy now as we continue to acknowledge and celebrate you both and the SEIDO Karate Way of today….


Keep up with all the hard training everyone and we will look forward to see you all again next year…

Warmest and best regards always

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor