A strong family values oriented dojo

SEIDO Karate Wellington Region Juniors and Collegiates Tournament – Saturday 17th October 2020

Thank you so much to everyone for making our first large gathering get together event a huge and enjoyable success…..
FUN, FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY the themes for the day and of course some hotly and keenly contested tournament competition amongst this years talented bunch of junior and collegiate students…
But let’s not forget the parents in the Parent & Child KATA events as well…the level of competition reaching another level as more and more parents enthusiastically demonstrate their KATA with their children at arguably the tournaments most FUN event…
It is just so rewarding to see the bounding positivity of the students within each of the SEIDO Dojo’s in the Wellington region but even more rewarding when you take the opportunity to absorb the enthusiastic attitudes of each of the individual Dojo Head Instructors, their senior students and their strongly family based Dojo communities….
It was a great day of SEIDO Celebration indeed….and all amidst the most trying and challenging of times……in an unprecedented COVID year…
There are so many people to say thank you to….so her goes…my sincere apologies if I have missed anyone out…..
Thank you to:
  • All Wellington Region SEIDO Karate Dojo Head Instructors, their senior black belts and their students for assisting with judging and entering as enthusiastic competitors
  • All Wellington Region SEIDO Karate Dojo Parents and families for your support in making the tournament such an enjoyable family focused event for all


And of course to:
  • The SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo Tournament Organising Committee, Ring Management Teams, Senior black belts, Food and Drink Management Teams and Behind the Scenes Teams for all your amazing super human efforts to make the event happen and run so smoothly
  • All SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo Parents and families for your limitless generosity in giving your time and support for all the catering and yummy food and drink requirements
  • All SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo Junior and Collegiate students for your courage, enthusiasm and energy……


As a Dojo, SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt “WE ROCK”…..
Look forward to seeing everyone again next year…..
With sincere gratitude and deeply felt thanks
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor