A strong family values oriented dojo

It’s always great when visitors drop in to the Dojo – Senpai’s Matt and Jacob Barker (SEIDO Richmond Dojo Melbourne) – Tuesday 29th October 2019

It was lovely to catch up with Senpai’s Matt and Jacob Barker and mum Rachel who popped in for a quick class and catch up…..
Great to share some fun floor time with you again Matt and to see you in action with the bo….looking good….
Enjoy your stay in NZ catching up with your sister and her family….
We have missed you all since your departure to live in Melbourne now 4 years ago…how time fly’s…..
Much love to you all….see you again soon….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor