A strong family values oriented dojo


It was a crazy afternoon of kata demonstrations and appreciation of everyone’s hard work and efforts over the last 12 months to get us to this very privileged position of being able to go to the SEIDO Karate International Tournament to be held in Sydney on Saturday 13th April…. Thank you to the kids for all your boundless energy and enthusiasm over the last year…. Thank you to your amazing parents for your wonderful and unwavering support of your talented children and our special little Dojo… Thank you to our super and generous sponsors, without your support we could not have funded our Hoodies 

  • BEYOND MORTGAGES – Jason Hurdle
  • INVESTNOW – Mike Heath
  • ARLO – Cathey Middleplaats
  • CUMMINGS KILGARIFF and CO – Dianne Cuimmings

Thank you to all our Dojo Instructors and their encouragement of all our Junior Academy Group and their parents…. Don’t know about you all but I am looking forward to a fantastic week of fun and social engagement, enjoying the busy atmosphere of Sydney and having an amazing trip with you ALL….oh yeah, and of course a little bit of karate….. Thank you so much to you ALL….. With much gratitude and appreciation of the many privileges and special friendships that we all get to enjoy as a Happy and united Dojo family….OSU 
Ken Szeto 

Well done Senpai Vince, your new belt looks great on you – a new Journey awaits

Its’ official, Senpai Vince presented with his new Shodan black belt from Honbu….. Well done and Congratulations again on all your dedication and commitment to your training… A new journey of discovery now awaits you…. 

Warmest regards

Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Congratulations to our very own journeyman, 40 years of karate celebrated with wonderful attitude and energy – Black belt grading Saturday 9th March 2019

It was standing room only as families, supporters and fellow karate-ka gathered to attend the black belt grading of the 8 candidates from 3 different Dojo attempted their shodan grading at Wellington Dojo…. It was indeed a celebration of karate journeys for both both young and old…….but for one student in particular it was a very special day indeed… Congratulations to our vey own Dojo journeyman, Vince Bailey….who celebrated 40 years of karate with grading success… A big Congratulations also to all the other new Senpai’s David, Kate and Shaun from Wellington Dojo, Kerri, Dean, Jess and Cameron from Manawatu Dojo….. Inspiring efforts from you all…. Warmest regardsOSUKen Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Beach training in Paradise – it doesn’t get any better than Raumati Beach – Sunday 3rd March 2019

It couldn’t have been any more perfect….beautiful weather, warm water and happy karate-ka from all over the Wellington region.. Young and old enjoying the sun, surf and a little bit of karate…. Well done to my group of enthusiastic white belts…we aced the kata demonstration guys…well done 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 and 8…. And to top off the morning at the beach, a yummy BBQ lunch in the sun at Sensei Karen’s beach house… Thank you to Sensei Karen for holding this growingly popular annual event in your little piece of paradise in Raumati Beach… Warmest regards Ken Szeto and all who attended from SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor