Sei Shihan Ben visits Lower Hutt Dojo – Thursday 2nd October 2014
On a cold and blustery night, Sei Shihan Ben, Brooklyn Dojo’s Principal Instructor, started what is to become the first of his monthly visits to the Lower Hutt Dojo…..
Putting all students through a fun filled and varied class, everyone enjoying his warm and welcoming style of teaching and ably supported by Sensei Bruce Millard also of Brooklyn Dojo….
Thank you for coming out and sharing your time and company with us all…we look forward to enjoying the experiences in the future…
Ken Szeto and all Lower Hutt Dojo students

Pictured left to right: Sensei Bruce Millard, Senpai Jon Mackie, Senpai Leighton Szeto, Sei Shihan Ben Otang and Sensei Ken Szeto