28 February 2014
Pictured left to right: Dan Marson, Debs Phillips, Phil Broadley and Kent Horan
Dedicated mum, Plunket Nurse and karate student Debs Phillips will be shedding her locks on Sunday 23rd March to raise much needed funds for Leukaemia Research….
Her fundraising target is $800 so please get behind her and help her to exceed her targeted goal….
You can support her by donating via the link
Let’s all make a difference and support this very worthy cause…
Ken Szeto
Welcome to my Shave For a Cure Fundraising Message….
I've decided to do this crazy thing for an amazing cause and set myself a fundraising target to achieve of $800
Shave for a Cure is Leukaemia & Blood Cancer New Zealand's signature fundraising event.
Every year thousands of individuals, schools and businesses across the country whip out the clippers and shave their locks in a bid to help the 6 Kiwis a day diagnosed with a blood cancer or related condition..
Shave-tastic! LBC receives no government funding.
Please sponsor me and help me support this great cause.
It's simple, fast and totally secure.
Just go to the link and click the 'sponsor' button to your right on my Shave Fundraising page, whip out your credit card, and LBC will email you a receipt directly.
I will be having my Head Shaved on Sunday March 23rd at 2pm at Rodney Wayne Hairdressers Queensgate Mall, Lower Hutt
Many thanks for your support……
Debs Phillips