A strong family values oriented dojo

Dojo delivers Christmas Presents and Well Wishes to Hutt Hospital’s Children’s Ward – Monday 17th December 2012

The amazing generosity of the Lower Hutt Dojo’s parents, students and families were once again mustered for a wonderful and worthy cause….

This year the Dojo chose the Hutt Hospital’s Children’s Ward to be the beneficiary of their “Dojo Giving Tree” fundraiser….
The Dojo’s parents, students and families were asked to go out and buy Christmas gifts for the Children of the Hospitals Children’s Ward by choosing an age and gender specific tag from the “Giving Tree”
The results were absolutely astounding with a huge number of presents being left under the “Dojo Giving Tree” for special delivery to the Children’s Ward by the Dojo’s fundraising coordinator and student Trina Far and several of the Dojo’s leading Juniors…..
From us all at Seido Karate Lower Hutt Dojo……Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Wonderful and Happy New Year…..

Heart, Soul and Sincerity demonstrated in Solo Grading Effort Saturday 15th December 2012

The special features of Saturday mornings grading were the levels of personal Heart, Soul and Sincerity shown by student Don Beattie….

Surrounded by the love and support of family, friends and fellow students he endured the challenges of the demanding grading to be rewarded with grading success….
Well Done Big Don….

Juniors Group impress with True Grit and Determination at Grading Friday 14th December 2012

On display on Friday 14th December were the talents of an impressive group of Lower Hutt Dojo Juniors…

True Grit and Determination evident throughout their grading…..the end result personal triumph and success for all

Grading group challenged “beyond the physical” in grading Thursday 13th December 2012

The inner strength of character and strength of 9 of Lower Hutt Dojo’s adult students were put to the test on Thursday 13th December 2012…

Enduring elements of a grading that took them “beyond the physical” all students pushed themselves to achieve grading success….

Desire to Succeed demonstrated at Brooklyn Dojo Adults Grading Saturday 8th December 2012

Even for adults students the desire to succeed is a common denominator when it comes to their karate…..

Facing the challenges of their first grading under Jun Shihan Ben Otang at Wellington’s Brooklyn Dojo….both Lower Hutt adult students Neil Barkess and Peri Stackhouse demonstrated their ever present iron wills to get through anything that came their way in a most challenging grading….
Success came 2 and a half hours later after mind numbing combinations, kata and sparring….Well Done….

Happy 70th Birthday to our Dojo Nana

Saturday 8th December marked a very special occasion for the Lower Hutt Dojo….

It was the 70th Birthday of our Dojo’s very own Dojo Nana……..Maureen Mackie
Always warm, loving and supportive to all, Maureen has come to represent what Seido is all about at Lower Hutt Dojo…and she constantly reinforces the message to all that the most important thing in life is happiness and the love of your family….
Happy Birthday…..Dojo Nana….you are simply awesome…
From us all at Lower Hutt Dojo

Absolute will to succeed demonstrated by Juniors at grading Friday 7th December 2012

The absolute will to succeed was evident in bucket loads as a determined group of Lower Hutt Juniors faced their first grading challenge of the year…

Despite the unknown challenges ahead all remained resolute and firm in their desire to achieve success…their fantastic efforts rewarded with grading success….Well Done to an amazing bunch of kids

Talented Juniors attain Grading Success 30th November 2012

The talents of 5 of the Dojo’s talented Juniors were demonstrated on Friday night….

Well supported by family and friends all 5 showed wonderful levels of perseverance and determination as they endured a mentally challenging grading
All students progressing to attain grading success and a great sense of personal achievement…Well Done
  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor