A strong family values oriented dojo

Kia Ora From the Lewin Whanau

Thank you so much for your email.

What an amazing photo….

All the credit for the kids achievements on Sunday at the Quadrangular Tournament must go to you.

My kids are all so appreciative of the support and time that Don and Wendy have for them and all the other children from the Lower Hutt Dojo.

There is another special person who is just like his dad, that they would also like to thank.

Yes, it is your son Leighton. What a great son you have and yes, Caitlyn wants to take him on.

Kingi is just amazed he makes time for him and for Mikayla, well she just finds him so talented.

Tony and I are so glad that the kids have been given the opportunity to join the Lower Hutt Dojo.

What you have taught our kids (respect, self-achievement, setting goals, personal well-being and self-discipline) the list goes on. They have implemented these values at home and at school.

Thank you Sensei Ken.

Training at home is done by personal choice.

will always find Mikayla and Kingi practicing what they have been taught daily.

As for Caitlyn she is very stubborn and chooses to do things when it suits her (which is very late at night and in the early hours of the morning).

Tony and I are getting used to their screaming and yelling, at least it’s for a positive purpose.

Despite having studied karate myself, I personally have not taught my kids any Karate, which does annoy them at times.

It was their choice to take up Karate, I'm just so glad we found you.

We don't set high expectations for our kids, but encourage them to do their best and persevere with any challenges that arise.

Here is a Maori proverb that we bestow on our kids


….Whaia te iti kahuranga ki te tuahu koe me hemaunga teitei"…..


Aim for the highest cloud, so that if you miss it you will hit a lofty mountain.

Which is often interpreted as giving your heart and soul to any project to reach your goals, but if you don't quite make it you are one step closer. With perseverance comes achievement.

Once again thank you Sensei Ken, what a great mentor you are.

Arohanui. The Lewin Whanau.


  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor