A strong family values oriented dojo

Challenging, a struggle, difficult, an opportunity to do the best that I can do – Juniors Grading Wednesday 10th November 2021

Despite their pre-grading nerves and expectations each of the grading juniors battled their way to grading success…
Challenging, a struggle , an opportunity to do the best that I can do…..
Their emotions of happiness and pride showing on their faces as each expressed their heartfelt appreciation to their parents for all that they do for them in their lives…
Congratulations and well done to a tenacious and fun group of juniors…..and thank you to your wonderful parents for their unwavering support of your amazing efforts and our awesomely family focused little Dojo…
Warmest and best regards always to you each and your amazing families….
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

AWESOME FOURSOME – Dedication, hard work and team work – Junior Grading Monday 8th November 2021

It was an awesome demonstration of dedication to training, committed hard work and shared team work for 4 of the Dojo’s very talented juniors….
Proudly supported throughout by parents, families and fellow students, all 4 demonstrating maturity and technical ability beyond their young years..
Congratulations and thank you for the privilege of sharing in the many positive experiences of your karate journeys…
Keep up the hard work in being such awesome and outstanding young men….
Warmest and best regards always to you each and your amazing families….
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

“Simply Awe-inspiring and Awe-some” – Grading Tuesday 21st September 2021

It was a truly awe inspiring and awesome demonstration of effort, energy and commitment from all 4 students on this grading night…
Stepping onto the grading floor as 4 individuals filled with nervous anticipation for the soon to be faced grading challenges and ended up their evening as a unified and proud bunch of friends….
4 shared journeys better than 4 individual journeys in different directions….building an ever stronger and supportive Dojo….
Thank you for your considerable efforts and your on-going dedication and commitment to your karate journeys and your often behind the scenes support of everyone involved with the Dojo  (ie. students, families and friends)
Congratulations to you all….keep up the hard work….you are all “Simply awe-inspiring and awe-some”
Warmest and best regards always
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

FIVE different people – SAME Life Attitudes – Juniors Grading Tuesday 27th JULY 2021

As we listened to each of the children describe their parents and their lives as a family….the same expressed constants resounded between the all…
  • Love of parents, family and friends
  • Trying your hardest no matter what the challenges
  • Believing in yourself especially when things get tough
Well done to a great bunch of young SEIDO karate-ka…for your superhuman grading efforts and honest dedication to the SEIDO tenets of Love, Respect and Obedience…
Thank you to your amazing parents and families for their support of your karate journeys and thank you as always to the many instructors and fellow karate-ka who continue to nurture and encourage you all as you become outstanding young people…
Warmest regards and best wishes always
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

“SEIDO Sprit” ever present from talented Junior Duo – Juniors Grading 6th JULY 2021

Despite early nerves, grading juniors Lewis and Michael got stuck into the challenges of the evenings grading…
Big OSU’s and Big KIAI’s lifting their demonstrations of “SEIDO SPIRIT” to the next level as they pushed themselves strongly to overcome each physical and technical challenge placed in front of them…
Well supported throughout by family and fellow karate-ka, each one standing in MOKUSO at the very end to express their inner feelings of Love towards their parents and extended family members with great sincerity and clarity….an awesome capability from ones still so young…
Well done and keep up the hard training and dedication…
Warmest regards and best wishes always
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

DUO pushed to exhaustion and beyond – Juniors Grading Tuesday 29th JUNE 2021

On an evening of one of Wellington’s most severe and freezing of weather conditions, it was grading night for 2 of the Dojo’s very talented juniors….
Pushed to exhaustion and beyond….Thomas and Mez finding the extra bits of spirit needed to complete each grading task asked of them with true grit and determination….
Well supported by families and fellow karate-ka throughout the evening, both boys continuing to learn the importance of the love of their parents and families, the support of their fellow karate-ka and the guidance of their Senpai teachers at the Dojo in their young lives…
Well Done to you both…keep up the effort with your karate journeys…
Warmest and best wishes always
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Talented Collegiates battle hard throughout first grading challenges – Thursday 10th June 2021

It was certainly an evening of new experiences for the talented collegiate trio being graded and for Senpai Jon in taking his first grading…
It was a grading where all 3 were tested with physical challenge, self reflection and self appreciation of themselves as young adults…
Well supported by families and fellow karate-ka throughout the evening, all 3 emerging with newfound confidence, understanding and respect for themselves and for the Dojo as a unique place for personal development and encouragement….
Thank you to everyone who attended and stayed for the post grading celebrations afterwards…
Congratulations Senpai Jon on taking your first grading and well done to Hayes, Rose and Liam….
Warmest regards and best wishes always
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Talented Sisters Rise through Challenges of Tough Grading – Thursday 29th April 2021

It was a difficult start to the occasion with nerves and uncertainty preoccupying the minds of the talented sisters…
But after being pushed with physical challenge after challenge,  they each drew upon their own inner strengths of heart and courage to rise above the presence of any personal thoughts of self doubt…
Well supported by mum, dad and fellow karate-ka young and older, their levels of self confidence shining through for all to see at the end of the grading…
Talented indeed you are Naomi and Hikari……
Well done and keep up the hard work and training…and don’t forget to thank your parents for all that they do for you in your young lives….
Warmest and best wishes
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt


Early grading nerves soon disappeared as this fantastic group of 4 got stuck into their grading challenges….
Their levels of self-belief rising as they overcame challenge after challenge with building confidence and SEIDO spirit…
Well supported by families, friends and fellow karate-ka all 4 full of smiles and feelings of self achievement as they joined their new belt class group  and thanked their former class group for their friendship and support throughout…
Well done Angus, Leo, Oliver and Sam….you guys are simply “Awesome”…Onwards and Upwards….
Thank you to your amazing parents and families for always being there by your sides as you continue with your unique karate journeys……
Warmest and best wishes
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo


It was 200% effort from all 3 students from the word “GO”…..the grading evening full of physical challenges and needing significant mental perseverance…
Despite the very different journeys for each, all demonstrated their highest standards of physical technique and their never quit spirits having been developed through their absolute dedication to their training and the tenets of SEIDO Karate Love, Respect and Obedience as unique and amazing individuals…..
Well supported by families, friends and fellow karate-ka the evening was an inspiration for all in attendance….
You guys were ALL simply Amazing and Awe Inspiring with your honesty, grit and super human determination throughout….
Keep up the hard work and dedication to the art that is SEIDO Karate….(Sincere Way)
Thank you to families, friends and fellow karate-ka for the very generous food, drink and wonderful social company celebrating their success afterwards at the Dojo…
Warmest and best wishes
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor