A Momentous Occasion – EIKO HANSHI Juniors and Collegiates KATA Tournament – Saturday 27th August 2022
13 September 2022
Our first EIKO HANSHI Juniors and Collegiates KATA Tournament was celebrated with the privileged attendance for the whole day of Eiko Hanshi Renzie Hanham and his beautiful partner Cath….
The occasion also acknowledging the recent passing of Eiko Hanshi Andy Barber with a very heartfelt moment of silent remembrance by all….
It was a most Momentous Tournament Occasion on so many levels….
- the beginning of an event that has been a long held dream and aspiration by myself, Kyoshi Garry and Senpai Leighton as the SZETO family
- an event that will celebrate and acknowledge into the future the significant and long lasting dedication and achievements of all our SEIDO Eiko Hanshi
- a day of co-celebration for all SEIDO Karate Wellington Region Dojo, all SEIDO students and all growing Dojo communities
- the continued opportunity to celebrate and reinforce the core values of our SEIDO practise as Dojo, students and dojo communities
Thank you to all the SEIDO Wellington Region Dojo Senior Black Belts, Class Instructors and students for being there and making the occasion so very special and enjoyable…(apologies if I missed anyone)
- Wellington Dojo – Sei Shihan Glenys, Jun Shihan Dennis, Kyoshis Kim, Anna, Siobhan, Bruce, Ian, Senpais Cath, Christine, Ben, Nomi, Dan, Hashim, and Liam
- Upper Hutt Dojo – Sensei Graeme Jarvis, Senpais Ben, Teri and Nick
- Kapiti Dojo – Sensei Karen Millane, Senpais Ari, John and Nicola
- Northland Dojo – Kyoshi Garry, Senpais Cheyanne and Molly
Thank you also to Shuseki Shihan Ben, Jun Shihan Peter and Avis (Wellington Dojo), Senpai Vivian (Auckland Dojo) and Senpai Dean (Manawatu Dojo) for being there in spirit with pre-existing arrangements and circumstances not allowing your attendances on the day….
Thank you most of all to the army of Amazing and Generous SEIDO Lower Hutt Dojo people who contributed so much in time, resources, food and products to make the day such an enjoyable and successful day for all….
- Behind the Scenes Special Op’s Crew – Senpai Kathy, Chris B, Jason S
- On the Day Black Belts – Sensei Mel, Senpais Brendan, Leighton, Peri, Vince, Phil B, Lee, Jason and Issac
- On the Day Ring Assistants – Zuzanna C-B, Tony D, Sean H, Tamati K, Craig B
- On the Day Food and Coffee Stall Helpers – Clint P, Shelley P, Tony L, Josh McK, Simone T, Farrand T, Jemma G, Holly D, Senpai isabelle
- On the Day BBQ Crew – Tony F, Cary J
- Our Amazing Pie and Scone Baker – Craig B
- Our Dojo Food and Product Sponsors – Our Amazing Dojo Families
But most of all to our Wonderfully Dedicated Dojo Parents for your Continued Support of all our Very Courageous and Talented Junior and Collegiate students as they continue with their SEIDO Karate Practise and Unique Journeys…..
My deepest and sincere thank you to Eiko Hanshi Renzie for being there with Cath to make the occasion so very special for us all and for sharing with us life’s most precious resource – your time and company……
With Heartfelt Gratitude, Respect and Love
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo