A strong family values oriented dojo

It’s always great when visitors drop in to the Dojo – Senpai’s Matt and Jacob Barker (SEIDO Richmond Dojo Melbourne) – Tuesday 29th October 2019

It was lovely to catch up with Senpai’s Matt and Jacob Barker and mum Rachel who popped in for a quick class and catch up…..
Great to share some fun floor time with you again Matt and to see you in action with the bo….looking good….
Enjoy your stay in NZ catching up with your sister and her family….
We have missed you all since your departure to live in Melbourne now 4 years ago…how time fly’s…..
Much love to you all….see you again soon….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

The “SEIDO SPIRIT” – Strong, Enduring and Deeply Embedded in the spiritual fabric of all grading students – Thursday 17th October 2019

No matter your age, no matter your background, no matter your stage in life……your belief in yourself and your journey with the way will always be rewarding….
It was a true testament to the dedication and perseverance of all grading students last night with each and every individual giving their all throughout, even to the point of absolute physical exhaustion….
The roads to the grading night not easy for many, with the busy-ness of life with children and family, study for exams and serious family member illness all adding to the pressures of the evening…
Despite these challenging roads, all students never wavering or giving up….
Thank you for being such amazing students and human beings…it is a blessing to have you all with our little Dojo and I am grateful for all the strength of character that you each bring to it…
Thank you also to the many families, friends and fellow students that came to support you all….
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Pictured left to right: Anna Nield, Kirsten Robati, Neev Mackenzie, Abbie Kincaid, Kathy Tilley, Issac Chia and Connor Barkess

Juniors and Collegiates Tournament – “a True Celebration of SEIDO Karate Talent and Togetherness” Saturday 12th October 2019

Juniors and Collegiates Tournament – “a True Celebration of SEIDO Karate Talent and Togetherness” Saturday 12th October 2019 It was a fantastic day of SEIDO Karate talent and togetherness….celebrated across all age groups and all events by students, parents and families…heart warming to see and feel…. All of the region’s 7 Dojo’s being represented, a welcome blessing that made for a perfect tournament day…

  • Wellington Dojo 
  • Northland Dojo 
  • Upper Hutt Dojo 
  • Manawatu Dojo 
  • Hastings Dojo 
  • Kapiti Dojo 
  • Lower Hutt Dojo

There were many many highlights for me throughout the busy-ness of the day…

  • the standard and level of talent demonstrated by all students across all age groups and events 
  • the family oriented atmosphere prevailing throughout the day 
  • the huge efforts of the Lower Hutt Dojo tournament teams and the amazing food put on by our Dojo parents 
  • the standard of kata performed by all non karate parents in the parent & child kata event 
  • the amazing Whole Dojo Kata performed by the Mighty Manawatu Dojo 
  • the sportsmanship of all competitors 
  • the many smiling faces throughout the day 

Thank you Sei Shihan Ben, Jun Shihan Peter, all Kyoshi Seniors and all Senpai’s for making such a huge effort to be there and assist with whatever needed to be done with refereeing and judging…. Thank you to all the Tournament Operations team for your superhuman efforts behind the scenes and on the day, especially Senpai Neil, Kathy and Lee…our black belt Senpai’s Jon, Leighton, Peri, Vince, Brendan, Gabby (our adopted Auckland Senpai)….Jason for Health and Safety, Senpai Brendan and Dominic our Medical Officers…Farrand, Shelley and Clint for managing the Cafe and Food….. Thank you to all our Dojo super mums and dads…who always give so generously with your time, food and support… Thank you to all the other Dojo’s, instructors, students, parents and families… Thank you most of all to all the regions talented Junior and Collegiate students who continue to form the growing foundations of SEIDO Karate in the region for the future…. See you all again next year…keep training and enjoying your karate… With much gratitude and respect OSU
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor