A strong family values oriented dojo

A Special Day of Firsts for our Wonderful Little Dojo – Black Belt Grading Saturday 25th November 2017

It was a special day of firsts for our wonderful little Dojo…..
Our first Dojo family grading made even more special with the attendance on the day of my first SEIDO instructor, Sei Shihan Michael Higgs (Principal Instructor SEIDO Timaru) and the privilege of being asked to take my first black belt grading by my current mentor and instructor Sei Shihan Ben Otang (Principal Instructor SEIDO Brooklyn Dojo Wellington)
All 5 black belt candidates Don, Wendy and Liam the Trimmer-Beattie family of Lower Hutt Dojo and Darshan Magan and Raven Townsend of Brooklyn Dojo giving their all throughout the entire grading and never ever looking like being defeated or giving up as challenge after challenge was placed in front of them….
A truly inspirational grading by all physically, mentally and spiritually…..
My sincere and warmest gratitude to you all, your families and friends for making the day so special….
Thank you for Sei Shihan Michael for being there and to Sei Shihan Ben for your trust and the privilege of taking my first black belt grading…
Thank you to all our SEIDO seniors, Shihan’s, Kyoshi’s, Sensei’s and Senpai’s for being there for us all at SEIDO Lower Hutt Dojo and all the grading students
Thank you to all SEIDO students, families and friends for your ever present strength of spirit and support of all who make up our growing and vibrant SEIDO family and community….
OSU to you all….Ken Szeto (a very proud instructor indeed)

Adults rise to challenges of green belt grading – Thursday 23rd November 2017

True grit and determination were the key elements to grading success for adult students Lee Bosworth and Andrea O’Connell…
The pair battling through the physical and mental barriers placed in their way throughout the evening…
Well supported by junior and senior students, both emerging with smiles as big as their hearts…
Well Done to you both…
Ken Szeto and all of us at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Happy Birthday Sei Shihan Ben “Surprise” – Brooklyn Dojo Wednesday 22nd November 2017

Happy Birthday wishes and cheer filled the Brooklyn Dojo as families, friends and students gathered for the surprise Birthday get together for Sei Shihan Ben….
It was great to see so many past senior students and current students throughout the evening…
Senpai Nike what an amazing cake to celebrate the special occasion…
Happy Birthday Sei Shihan Ben….
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karae Lower Hutt Dojo

“Absolutely The Best Time Ever” – Junior Academy Group Trip to Sydney 15th to 19th November 2017

It was one of the most enjoyable of trips to Sydney with this years Dojo Junior Academy Group…
Parents, families and students all having a real blast with all Group trip activities and get togethers…
And, YES don’t forget the Big Tournament Day….Everyone competing hard and learning much from the day and making new friends…
Thank you to everyone who helped with the massive Fundraising efforts and a BIG thank you to our amazing Trip “Camp Mum” Tracy Ediriweera for keeping everyone in line and fully informed of all the trip activities….
Thank you also to the best group of parents and your wonderful children….
Sincere and heartfelt thanks to all…
Ken Szeto

Amazing Kids demonstrate true SEIDO spirit throughout challenging grading – Thursday 9th November 2017

It was another demonstration of the amazing fortitude and courage of our incredible junior students as they battled their way through the challenges of their grading last night….
The highlight of the grading the open honesty of this very talented group of juniors when talking about the love and uniqueness of their parents and families…
Lots of tears and lots of love being shared with all who came to support…
Well Done…I am very proud to have each of you as students and your parents and families as such an important part of our growing Dojo family….
Ken Szeto and all at SEIDO Karate Lower Hutt Dojo

Pictured left to right: Wyatt Young, Jimmy van den Kerkhof, McLeod Voller, Greta McGrath, Kenzie Levi and Rhiannon Hough

Dojo Junior Academy Group all set for SEIDO Karate Australian National Tournament & Trip to Sydney – 14th November 2017

Smiles all around as the Dojo Junior Academy Group prepare for their trip to Sydney in a couple of weeks to compete at this years SEIDO Karate Australian National Tournament…
Special thanks must go to Tracy Ediriweera our fundraiser maestro who orchestrated and liaised with the masses of amazing parents and all their fundraising activities over the year…
Without people like Tracy and our amazing community of parents our Junior Academy Programme would not get to enjoy the privileges of travelling to Sydney each year…
Thank you also to our wonderful sponsors NME Electrical (Monty and Andrea O’Connell) and Diane Cummings (Cummings Kilgariff and Co) for their generous gifts of sponsorship for our children’s tournament hoodies and back packs…
A heartfelt thank you to everyone from me and all of us involved with the trip..
Looking forward to enjoying everyone’s company and laughter…
Warmest regards
Ken Szeto

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor