KARATE NEW ZEALAND Wellington Secondary Schools tournament a new and enjoyable learning experience for all…..21st May 2017
26 May 2017
It was a new and enjoyable learning experience for all at the Karate New Zealand Wellington Secondary Schools Champs held on Sunday 21st May 2017…
Many of the Dojo’s Collegiate age students competing in the new format tournament for the first time and many of Dojo’s black belts experiencing the refereeing under the disciplined rules of World Karate Federation for the first time also…
It was a great day for all students, in particular getting to see the beautiful kata of Goju-Ryu and Shotokan performed at an extremely high competition level by the more experienced students from other Dojo…
Thank you to the Lower North Island Council for organising an enjoyable tournament…
Sensei Ken Szeto and all Lower Hutt Dojo students