A strong family values oriented dojo

Challenging and enjoyable grading tests Lower Hutt Dojo senior kyu grade students at Brooklyn Dojo – Saturday 3rd September 2016

It was a challenging and enjoyable grading for 8 of Lower Hutt Dojo’s senior kyu grade students at Brooklyn Dojo over the weekend….
Sei Shihan Ben testing them all across all areas of their syllabus…
Well supported by the Lower Hutt Dojo cheer crew and families……all demonstrated their highest levels of ability and spirit and were deservedly rewarded with grading success…
Well done to all students and well done to the Dojo support crew for the noise and cheering….thank you to Brooklyn Dojo for hosting a busy and enjoyable morning…
Kindest Regards
Sensei Ken Szeto

Pictured left to right: Kent Horan, Nissa Mackie, Don Beattie, Wendy Trimmer, Liam Trimmer-Beattie, Hamish Horan, Neihana Anderson-Clark and Kerenza Robertson














Pictured: Lower Hutt Dojo Support Crew

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor