A strong family values oriented dojo

Physicality, Honesty and Humility demonstrated at Brown Belt Grading – Tuesday 6th October 2015

It was another packed Dojo as the Dojo’s first double set of “Father and Son” students attempted their brown belt grading…

After being pushed to their physical limits, all 4 were then challenged with the “self discovery” exercise of peeling away the outer layers of “human ego and prejudice” through the very intense and demanding kata Sanchin….

It was a wonderful demonstration of martial “Honesty and Humility”….

Well done to you all…and a big “thank you” to all the families and students who attended to support them
Sensei Ken Szeto


Pictured: Don Beattie, Kent Horan, Hamish Horan and Liam Trimmer-Beattie


Pictured left to right: Senpai Brendon Young, Senpai Jon Mackie, Kent Horan, Hamish Horan, Liam Trimmer-Beattie, Don Beattie and Sensei Ken Szeto

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor