A strong family values oriented dojo

“Awesome 8” show determination and perseverance at Junior Grading Friday 7th August 2015

It was another evening of “Awesomeness and Excellence” as 8 of the dojo’s talented juniors pushed themselves through the challenges of their first grading
All 8 demonstrating determination and perseverance throughout the night and being proudly supported by their families and fellow students…
Well done to you all….and thank you to everyone for your wonderful support of such a great bunch of kids…
Sensei Ken Szeto
Blue Belts August 2015

Pictured left to right: back row Madoc McGregor, McLeod Voller, Jordan Robinson and Grace Abbott Pictured left to right: front row Finn Bosworth, Daniel Sketcher, Anesh Senthuran and Wyatt Young

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor