A strong family values oriented dojo

“Spirited Juniors Rewarded with Grading Success” – Friday 21st November 2014

It was a wonderful demonstration of “Seido Spirit” by four of the Dojo’s very talented juniors…..
Well supported by families and fellow students all 4 battled through the challenges of their first grading…..
Their KIAI and OSU resounding loudly throughout the Dojo right until the very end….an amazing effort from very determined junior karate-ka
Well done Kids and a BIG THANK YOU to your amazing parents and families for their vocal and proud support…
Ken Szeto

Pictured left to right: Montana Govorko, Callum Rudge, Oscar Middleplaats and Harrison Raynor

  • Station Village Complex
    Upstairs Studio (next to Laughalots Play Land)
    499 Hutt Road
    Lower Hutt
    Ken Szeto, Instructor